"Croatia. Full of Colours." by Davor Rostuhar exhibition opening

Organized by the Zagreb Tourist Board and the International Zagreb Airport, the exhibition "Croatia. Full of colours." by Davor Rostuhar, a well-known photographer, adventurer and travel writer has been officially opened on June 13 at our airport.
The exhibition contains 26 selected photos which showcase Croatian regions and destinations, its natural beauties and the coast through the artistic experience of the author. The opening ceremony was attended by Hüseyin Bahadir Bedir, CEO of International Zagreb Airport, Dražen Barišić, Mayor of Velika Gorica, Martina Bienenfeld, Director of the Zagreb Tourist Board, and many other honourable guests, and the exhibition was officially opened by Milan Bandić, the Mayor of Zagreb.

"We are grateful to the Zagreb Tourist Board for recognizing our airport as an excellent venue to set up this exhibition. I believe there are many other great joint projects in front of us with which we will promote all the values of Zagreb and Croatia's tourist offer. Finally, our efforts will surely be recognized by our customers, who have recently declared us the best airport in Europe in the category of 2 to 5 million passengers a year", said Hüseyin Bahadir Bedir and emphasized that this exhibition is one of many activities through which we tend to provide passengers with an exceptional travel experience.

"I'm exceptionally proud this unique exhibition was set up at our airport after it's display in Paris. It will welcome all passengers arriving to Zagreb and Croatia by plane. Exhibition 'Croatia. Full of colours.' demonstrates in a special way the richness of the natural and cultural heritage of our city and state, recorded through the lens of a celebrated travel writer, adventurer and photographer, but above all a fan of his Zagreb - Mr. Davor Rostuhar. Our city is primarily an aero-destination, so this exhibition is highly important in the promotional aspect and especially because it will be exhibited during the Croatian Presidency of the EU Council", said Director of the Zagreb Tourist Board, Martina Bienenfeld.

The exhibition is placed in the baggage claim area of the passenger terminal and, considering that nearly three and a half million passengers annually visit the airport, the exhibition will surely be one of the most visited in Zagreb, but also in Croatia and beyond.